Friday, November 5, 2010

Magnetism and Electricity -- Nature's Forces

During the month of October, the students who participated in the Magnetism and Electricity Unit had much to look forward to each day. Starting with the basic concepts of magnetism, students learned about the force field around a magnet, its forces of attraction and repulsion, and how to test its strength. They then made and experimented with electromagnets.

Once everyone was able to find a way to get their light bulb to light using a bulb, a battery and one wire, they then went on to make other simple circuits. They also learned how to do some basic trouble shooting when their circuits failed to work.

From there, the class was given the challenge to design and make their own working flashlight with an on/off switch. Everyone made a drawing of their design showing the circuit pathways first.
Then they gathered their materials and got to work. After three class sessions, everyone had a working flashlight!

Another exciting part of the unit was
learning about safety around electricity. Mr. Bradley Kaherl from CMP visited the school to give a presentation to the entire Soule program about the dangers of electricity and ways to stay safe.