Monday, December 26, 2011

Design and Build Unit January 3 - February 16, 2012

Wow! What a fun unit!

Everybody worked with a partner and learned about designing and building, from creating basic blueprint plans, to making materials lists, and writing step-by-step instructions to guide their work. After learning this design process, students then built their constructions.

First, working groups used real woodworking tools and basswood to make catapults. Which was more fun -- making the catapults or doing the test runs flinging wet sponges to find the greatest average distance the sponge would go?

Once certain benchmarks were met creating the catapults, students then dove into designing and building their own working vehicles. Partners needed to decide on the basic plan, and on what kind of power their car would use to travel three meters. Through careful planning and constant trouble-shooting, students learned many aspects of design technology and moved at their own pace.

There were wind-powered cars, rubber band power, push power, propellers, and motor powered cars.

We had a great time. Wish you were there!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Me and My Family November 28 - December 22, 2011

How does one get mom's curly hair and dad's brown eyes? Can everyone in one's family fold their tongue?

This unit introduced students to basic ideas of genetics, such as traits, DNA, types of cells, chromosomes, mutations, and how traits are passed on to them from their parents. Students surveyed the class for common traits, made a time line, developed a family tree, and learned about Gregor Mendel.

Here are some of the timelines and family trees created by the students. Also, our school secretary, Fran Townsend, whose avocation is genealogy, was a guest visitor to our class. She shared her many stories of her family history and her extensive family tree.