Sunday, September 2, 2012

Experimenting With Bubbles  September 4 - 27, 2012

This year, the Soule teachers tried something new during our PM unit time.  For this first unit, all students rotated through classes with the four Soule teachers.  The classes were one week sessions.  In this way, all Soule students experienced, right off the bat, each teacher and their subject and style of teaching. Other first units included art, social studies, and health/fitness.

Experimenting With Bubbles  This unit was the first unit of the year and it was meant to introduce students to a fun way to engage in the experimentation process.

 Students used a simple bubble recipe to create and test different brands of soaps and their effect on bubble size.  They learned about how to conduct a fair test and about the importance of identifying and using a test variable.  The classes also learned how to use the metric system to measure accurately the size of a bubble.
Good clean fun, don't you think?