Sunday, February 17, 2013

Crystals, Rocks and Minerals

Crystals, Rocks and Minerals  February 12 - March 14, 2013

The rock hounds in this unit learned all about what makes a rock and how they can be formed.

They studied the inside of the earth and the changes deep within that create different minerals, crystals and rocks.

They also learned about the rock cycle, and about the properties of rocks to help identify them.

They even got to "grow" their own crystals.

A guest speaker, Mr. Ritchie, who is an amazing rock enthusiast, was invited to class to discuss his own rock collection and how he became a rock hound.

Parent of student assists our visitor.

 He inspired students to start collecting their own specimen too.  And he invited everyone to the soon-to-open rock and mineral museum in Bethel, Maine, of which he is a board member.  Thank you, Mr. Ritchie!