Friday, October 21, 2011

Tha Art and Science of Birds October 3 - 29, 2011

Our art teacher, Mrs. Christie, and I collaborated to teach this unit about the scientific wonder and artistic beauty of birds. Students learned about the adaptations, habitats, and behaviors of many different birds.

They were introduced to the prehistoric pteradon (a flying mammal) and to archaeopteryx (a reptile-bird transition species). By researching certain facts about a modern bird, each student was able to write a brief report on one bird of their choice. They also painted beautiful watercolor renditions of their birds and created beautiful bird journals. When the class went outside to do some birdwatching and to practice using their binoculars, they spotted a downy woodpecker, chickadees, crows, and a vulture.

At the end of the unit, everyone was able to take home their own handmade ceramic bird bath/feeder to hang up. Many thanks to Maine Audubon Society in Falmouth for the loan of several mounted birds for the classroom.

Here are a few of the bird posters that now hang near the front office as you enter the school,

These are some of the beautiful bird journals that students created with Mrs. Christie.

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