Thursday, October 25, 2012

Magnetism and Electricity  October 29 - November 30, 2012

Using magnets, wires, bulbs and batteries, and the science process, students investigated the basic principles of magnetism and electricity.

Everyone participated in an experiment to determine the strength of magnetic force when additional magnets were added onto a stack of magnets.

Students also learned about electromagnetism, and experimented with the effect that the number of wire coils around a nail would have on its magnetic strength.

They then learned about circuits and  how a battery and bulb work.

Finally, they were challenged to create their own working flashlight using their knowledge of electrical energy and circuitry.
After much discussion, planning, designing, trouble shooting, and redesigning, students were able to create their own circuitry, including on/off switches and build unique working flashlights.

Central Maine Power's Mr. Brad Kaherl also joined us for a presentation to the entire Soule Program on electrical safety.

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