Sunday, December 9, 2012

Optics: The Study of Light  December 4 - 20, 2012

Have you ever been in a completely dark room?  Students attempted to block out all light from their classroom. 

During this short unit, students learned about the beauty and fascinating behavior of light.
To begin, students learned about what light is, how it travels, and how we see.  Then the class set up several light boxes to explore and experiment with using white light and colored light.

    Groups around light boxes were challenged to use their mirrors, protractors, rulers, etc. to send one light beam completely around the four sides of the light box.

Prisms, mirrors, shadow probe sticks, protractors, and rulers were more tools that they used to help students understand how light beams bend, spread out and blend together.

Another challenge:  making white light from colored light!

Have you ever created a multicolored shadow? We did!

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